A cabinet meeting was held on Wednesday under the chairmanship of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Union Minister Prakash Javadekar gave details of the decisions taken in the cabinet meeting in a press conference. Management and operation of 6 more airports of the country has been given to private player. At the same time, the National Recruitment Agency (NRA) has been given the authority to conduct CET (Common Eligibility Short Entrance Test) for subordinate posts.
Explaining the decisions of the cabinet, Union Minister Prakash Javadekar said that today the youth have to take many exams for the job. To put an end to all this, the National Recruitment Agency (NRA) will now take the Common Eligibility Test (CET). This will benefit the youth.
Prakash Javadekar said that there are about 20 recruitment agencies in the country. Ending all this, the government has taken a historic decision. The National Recruitment Agency will now take the Common Eligibility Test (CET). It will benefit millions of young people who apply for jobs.
Commenting on the decision of the cabinet, Union Minister Prakash Javadekar said that today young people have to pass many exams for jobs. Instead, the National Recruitment Agency will now take the Common Eligibility Test. In this regard, Minister Jitendra Singh said that the merit list of this Common Entrance Test will be valid for 3 years. It will benefit the youth. Prakash Javadekar said there are about 20 recruitment agencies in the country. The government has taken an important decision to end all this. Prakash Javadekar said that this demand of the youth was there for years. However, no decision has been taken so far. The decision will also alleviate the suffering of the youth and save them money. Youngsters will now have the opportunity to go beyond a single exam.